European Digital UniverCity (EDUC)


The University Paris Nanterre is a member of the European Digital UniverCity (EDUC), one of the first alliances to be accredited by the European Commission in 2019. It is thus positioning itself as a benchmark higher education institution in Europe for establishing a truly transnational campus and promoting new forms of mobility and cooperation in education and research. Supported by the Erasmus+ and H2020 programmes, it has also received additional French funding through PIA 3.
Using modern digital tools and face-to-face collaboration, EDUC forms a strong triangle of shared knowledge and academic values between Western, Central and Southern Europe, developing strong links between local environments to address the global challenges of the 21st century.

The EDUC alliance in brief
  • 8 universities in 7 countries: University Paris Nanterre (France), Univeristy of Rennes (France), University of Postdam (Germany), Masaryk University (Czech Republic), University of Pécs (Hungary), University of Cagliari (Italy), Jaume I University (Spain), and University of South-East Norway (Norway).
  • 200,000 students
  • 20,000 staff
  • 5 million euros allocated by the Erasmus Programme for the period 2019-2022
  • A further 12.8 million euros from the European Commission for the period 2023-2026
  • 2 million from the Horizon Europe Programme
  • 2 million from PIA 3
EDUC's objectives
  • A transnational campus based on mobility and digital tools.
  • Enhanced multilateral cooperation in education, research and administration.
  • 50% of students in virtual mobility & exchange, physical mobility or hybrid mobility.
  • Educational innovation at the heart of activities open to students.
  • An inclusive alliance, open to all disciplines, open to all students, teachers, researchers and staff, and open to society.
  • Seven priority research themes.

Updated on 06 mars 2025