PAUSE programme

The PAUSE programme was launched in 2017 at the initiative of the French government with the support of civil society, academia and economic actors. Its main objectif is to host intellectuals, scientists, researchers and artists in exile in French higher education and research establishments, in order to protect them and promote their socio-professional integration in France.

  • Mission

To protect and welcome scientists and intellectuals from countries where the political situation no longer allows them to practice their profession and puts their lives and those of their families in danger. Researchers of all disciplines and from any geographical origins in a situation of threat can apply to the programme.

  • Funding

Co-financing the hosting of scientists within higher education and research establishments or public research organizations.

  • Eligibility requirements

• Proof of status as a professor-researcher or researcher (doctoral student, post-doctoral fellow, senior researcher) at their home institution;
• be under threat;
• be forced into exile or have left their country of origin within the last three years;
• be in possession of a letter of agreement from a laboratory/research center.

  • Evaluation criteria

• Level of urgency;
• Scientific quality of the application.

The PAUSE programme at University Paris Nanterre

University Paris Nanterre (UPN) has been committed to welcoming and supporting PAUSE laureates since 2017. Even in a challenging economic context, UPN strives each year to maintain its support in welcoming PAUSE laureates.
When to apply?

The Collège de France issues three calls for applications each year. Please find the calendar of calls for applications at the official website of the programme.
All applications must be received by UPN 30 days before the end of the campaign date.

How to apply?

To apply to UPN as a PAUSE laureate, you must submit an application file containing the following documents:  

  • letter of agreement from a laboratory/research unit hosting the scientist;
  • presentation of your research project;
  • testimonial describing the emergency of your situation;
  • identity document;
  • a document proving your status as a researcher in your country of origin (translated into French);
  • CV and list of publications.

Applications should be sent to the following address:

Depending on the funds available, a selection committee meets 15 days before the end of each campaign to select the application to be supported by UPN. Once selected, the candidate submits their complete application, which is then submitted by our team on the Collège de France platform.

For more information, please visit the official PAUSE programme website.


Updated on 14 février 2025