FAQ international students - 2024/2025

How to contact the International Relations Department?

You can come and meet the International Relations Department's team without an appointment, during opening hours, by first going to the service reception desk (Rémond building | 2nd floor | room A209).

You can also contact us by e-mail or by telephone, giving priority to the mobility officer who is following your case.

For any general information request, you can contact the service reception by phone or e-mail: +33 (0)1 40 97 40 98 | relations-internationales@liste.parisnanterre.fr

You can also contact the international team on the chat room via the Teams application:

International students forum
This space is public and accessible with an Office account of the University Paris Nanterre.
In order to facilitate exchanges, we thank you in advance for using the channel corresponding to your profile.

I am an international student and I would like to apply for a course (other than an exchange)

It is no longer possible to apply for a course for 2024/2025.
For 2025/2026, find more information on this page.

I am an international student admitted to a course (other than an exchange) in 2024/2025: how do I enrol at university?

Here are the steps to follow:
  • Step 1: You must pay the Contribution Vie Étudiante et de Campus (CVEC) to CROUS and download your certificate using the QR code. Please refer to this tutorial (only in French) for all the steps to follow.
  • Step 2: You must first register administratively:
    - you have been admitted via Parcoursup or E-Candidat: you must register online. If you wish to request an exemption for late arrival, you must contact your UFR.

    - you have been admitted via the DAP: you must register on site by making an appointment. Please note that you should not make an appointment until you have obtained your visa (if this applies to you) and know when you will be arriving in France.

    - you have been admitted via Etudes en France: if you obtained your visa before 15 September 2024, you can register online. You will have received instructions by e-mail at the end of July, or you will receive them at the beginning of September with instructions to follow, if you are concerned. If you do not obtain your visa by 15 September 2024, you will have to register locally by making an appointment. Please note that you should not make an appointment until you have obtained your visa (if you are concerned) and know your date of arrival in France.

    Students who have not been able to register by 20 September 2024 may apply for a derogatory registration authorisation from: etudiant.etranger@liste.parisnanterre.fr. The deadline for arrival is 30 September, after which no exemption will be granted.
  • Step 3: You will receive an e-mail message in the personal e-mail address you provided when you completed your administrative registration. If you have not received a message or if the activation date has passed, go to this link: https://identite.parisnanterre.fr/
Once you have completed your administrative registration, you will need to register for your course (pedagogical inscription, which will determine your timetable). You should go to the website of the faculty to which you are attached to find out about the enrolment procedure and complete it within the deadlines indicated: etudiants.parisnanterre.fr/inscriptions-pedagogiques

Guide to on-site administrative enrolment (French only)
Guide to online administrative registration (French only)
Guide to online administrative registration for IUT Ville d'Avray and UFR SITEC (French only)
Online registration tutorial (French only)

I am an international student who has been accepted by the University Paris Nanterre via Études en France but I have chosen another institution. Can I change my choice and study at Nanterre?

Unfortunately, it is not possible to receive you if you have accepted another choice, as your place has been allocated to another student.

I have done my administrative registration online. How do I get my school certificate and student card?

Your certificate of enrolment is available online, on your Espace Numérique de Travail (ENT). Your student card will be given to you on Welcome Day on Monday 9 September, 9:00 to 9:30 in the hall of Bât. Rémond building.

The registration office has refused to allow me to register in person, and has told me to register online.

You must go to the Individual Mobility Office in the Rémond building, office 210A or 210B.

When I am registering online, I don't know what to tick for exemption from differentiated rights.

You must tick the box: "Je ne suis concerné par aucun des cas ci-dessus" ("None of the above applies to me"):

Updated on 06 septembre 2024